Sport4All, Project, document, toolkit, 2013, English, Canada


Sport4All builds connections between sport organizations and diverse participant bases, provides and seeks out funding opportunities to facilitate increased outreach and participation, offers resources and training required to engage diverse populations in sport, continues to evaluate progress and build on collective success in this area. On of the result of the project is Sport4All Diversity in Sport Advocacy Toolkit. It outlines opportunities presented to the sport community by the rapidly changing demographics in Ontario, and highlights the ways the sport organization can adapt to become more inclusive.

How is this document connected to AV principles and project

By trying to obtain diversity in sport, the project meets the objective of reaching social inclusion, equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of HEPA, it encourages knowledge-sharing and developing relevant tools and resources for advocacy.

WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM IT: It gives a short overview of governmental organization in Canada which is a good example of mapping policy makers in order to find ways how to approach them, it illustrates effective steps which can be used in advocacy work and how to promote and communicate about your project.

Type of doc: Project, document, toolkit


Year: 2013



Language: English